Thursday, February 6, 2014

Delighting in Obedience

Isn't it crazy how the enemy can scheme plots against us through things that were meant to glorify God? Recently, I have been on a journey of losing weight, and gaining confidence-- attempting to treat my body the way that God intended me to. When I began this journey last June, I knew that I was doing this for GOD's glory. The months went on, and I began to lose a great amount of weight. Over time, the enemy has crept in and led me to believe that my happiness relies on the number that scale says. How fleeting is that? If I allow my happiness, my joy, my motivation to depend on what a 15$ Target digital scale says... what does that say about where my hope lies? Am I really choosing to rest my sense of security in a number that changes every day?

I find my soul restless. I find my heart searching for something more. That is because I was INTENDED and created to put my hope in an unshakable, unchangeable, unwavering, unmovable God. Why would I choose anything else?

Matthew 19-21. 19 “Do not gather together for yourself riches of this earth. They will be eaten by bugs and become rusted. Men can break in and steal them. 20 Gather together riches in heaven where they will not be eaten by bugs or become rusted. Men cannot break in and steal them. 21 For wherever your riches are, your heart will be there also.

Health is a wonderful thing to focus on. I am so excited about it! However, sometimes we may begin to get to blind-sighted to the fact that these things are only here on earth. Where are your "riches"? Where are you finding your satisfaction? If it is in the number on that scale, I'm sorry sister-- it's not in the right place. "Gather riches in heaven", JESUS says. Oh, how wonderful! We can find our peace not from the way we look in the mirror, we can find our strength- not from how long we can stay on that elliptical, and we can find our hope- not from waking up to step on the scale BUT from our satisfaction of being obedient to our sweet Savior! Yes, I choose Christ.


  1. I love you blog post. God is our hidden treasure. Our search must be for Him first and foremost.

    Barbara P. (OBS Small Group Leader)

  2. Tori I love this! I love your sweet blog page! Thank you for sharing and being so honest with your heart and soul. I love the verse! "Gather riches in heaven"... WOW and doesn't it feel good to say- Yes, I choose Christ!! Thanks again sweet sister~ Cindy M. OBS Small Group Leader

  3. Having an identity defined by Christ...what a relief, or shall we call it peace? :) Keep blogging, You are great!

  4. What a great reminder that the Target scale does not define us. I love the first part of your verse that God is not moved by the world. My prayer for all of us that we would come to the same conclusion! - Sandra T. (Made to Crave, Group 30)

  5. Oh, I love this! Our worth and identity come from Christ alone, not any number anywhere. Thanks for sharing today. Keep drawing close to God on this journey.
    Jamy (OBS Leadership team, director of Prayer Warriors)

  6. I love how you said you don't put security in something that changes daily. Only God is constant, so that's where our security should always be. Great post!
