Sunday, May 4, 2014


Well... today may have been the best day of my life. So, even though I am tired and ready to go to sleep, I wanted to write about it. Today my boyfriend of 3 years asked me to be his wife. I have known that this was going to happen eventually for a very long time, but I was still so in shock when it happened. All of a sudden, being engaged was no longer just an idea or a future dream to look forward to... it was the right now. All of a sudden, it became all about me, all about the ring, the cute story, and the wedding details. Ofcourse I didn't mind repeating myself 6578 times today because I was still on cloud 9 and I would tell anyone who would listen! 

BUT... I want to make sure that I stay on my guard! This is not all about a ring or a wedding.. because in the end even if I got a 10 dollar ring and no one came to our wedding, this would all be about becoming a wife to an amazing man. For the rest of my life. Not one day, or one ring that could get lost. It's what those things stand for. A life-long commitment that is a lot more about the everyday ordinances than the highlight reel. Doing real life together. Serving one another for life... even when it's hard. Showing Christ's love to one another every single day. 

At the end of this eventful, EXCITING day, I am thinking about the type of wife I want to be. Because, I'll tell you what... I've been talking about being a wife since I was a teeny, little girl. So I have this picture in my mind of the wife I want to be, and I think to myself, "What am I doing today that is helping me become that woman I want to be?" Because, I'll tell you what... it's not an overnight transformation! Where is my heart NOW in relationship to where I want it to be LATER. What steps can I take to work on that in the right now? 

Just some things to think about in the next exciting year!! 

So, as cheesy, corny, and mushy as this may sound: I am so excited to get married, to be challenged, to smile, to laugh, to have a chance to show unconditional love, to show and receive much forgiveness, and to live life together with a man that I can trust to lead me in the ways of the Lord! 

Love you, Paul!