Thursday, January 30, 2014

1 Peter 5:7-8

1 Peter 5:

7 Give all your worries to Him because He cares for you.

8 Keep awake! Watch at all times. The devil is working against you. He is walking around like a hungry lion with his mouth open. He is looking for someone to eat.

There is so much truth in this! How blessed are we as God's people that we can literally just "give" or "cast" our worries on our King? Why is this so absolutely hard for us so many times? I hold on to my worries and cares because "I am not done with them yet". Because they are still mine, and to give them to God is completely letting go... losing grip on that last thread I am hanging on by.

Verse 8 is a warning to us. This one isn't as warm and fuzzy as our first statement, so we skim over. But isn't it beautiful to see the contrast between the two? Good and evil. Since the beginning of time. As Christians, we love to think that God is there for us (rightfully so, it's a wonderful comfort!!). We don't like to think as much, however, about the fact that we have an enemy who is willing to ATTACK us at our weakest points. Right in the knees.

When I don't give these worries to the Lord, they are left as my own. I am left to defend them. To hold on to them with all of my strength, whitening my knuckles with my firm grip. The enemy comes in and tries to devour me. What am I clothing myself in? The armor of God? Not in that moment. All I have to show are my fears and fretting heart. He will attack, and will most likely succeed because these things are weighing me down.

What's the point of this? GIVE IT TO GOD. Give it up! Right now! Whatever is burdening you... you have been offered a way out. Retreat! You do not have to show how strong you are by holding on. Let God hold you. "He CARES for you". Take comfort!


  1. I am such a worrier, it is SO hard for me to give that over to Jesus. Thank you for the reminder and your thoughts on our verse for the week, I loved how encouraging you are to just give that over to Him!!

    Kris Danko (OBS Blog Hop Team)
